A company constantly battling labor conflicts and rally protests is not the ideal condition to stimulate work productivity. If such unconstructive situation be allowed to exist, it would allow negative mental contagion and weaken the general work ethos of a particular company; significant negative impact would emerge, in the form of low work rate and productivity.
Employee protest may occur due to various trigger, mostly due to conflict of interest between employee and management. Conflict itself is a situation where a gap existed between the ideal condition and the reality. A simple issue of miscommunication would also allow any forms of conflict.
Various strategies and tactics can be developed to minimize conflicts with potential to trigger protests and demonstration. The management should attempt to discover the roots and sources of conflicts, followed with win-win solution conflict settlements; from the employee, by developing a sense of belonging would suppress conflict articulation in deconstructive form such as rally protests.
Based on previous explanation, for employee integrity in supporting the company’s goals, we propose this particular Affection Communications Training plus NLP (Neuro-Lingustic Programming). Efforts to minimize employee conflicts and protests would be futile if not accompanied with efforts to discover roots of conflicts and attempts of integral management improvement.
This particular training is designed to develop a sense of belonging towards the corporation from employees, measured by an increase in work productivity. The training would employ a holistic method, considering aspects of cognitive, psychomotor, in a way that each participant would be able to comprehend, feel, and in the future apply the training materials in their daily social activities, specifically within everyday working activity in the company. We believe it would trigger increase in work rate and productivity.
Additional training material of NLP and hypnosis’s technique would strengthen the effect of participant’s attachment towards training materials. Although attachment of effects may vary depending on personal situational aspect, therefore to sustain such effect positive effect relevant to the training purposes, a follow-up or a more advanced training is also proposed for continuity purpose of this event.
After participating in this training, participants should develop the following personal traits:
- Having a high sense of belonging towards business institution.
- Able to self-motivate and positively motivate their peers and colleagues.
- More tolerant towards differences in values, opinions, and cultures.
- Able to become more communicative and civilized within working environment.
- Increase personal work productivity.
The training would employ interactive, participative, democratic approach with learning principal for adults, which includes appreciative Inquiry (AI), Asset Based Thinking(ABT), Accelerative Learning and Experiential Learning.
Through this approach, participants are requested to participate in inquiring and evaluate: 1) Self Potential/ strength, 2) Colleague’s strength, and 3) the strength from the environment, in a manner to trigger participant’s ability to analyze problem situation, challenges, strength/support, solution and allowing participants to assemble team to achieve mutual goals.
Facilitator team would arrange each activity by considering 4 important elements which can be identified as SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual and Intellectual) with an innovative and creative approach which would allow each participant to articulate their potential to its fullest.
The training techniques would employ a mixture of tutorial, role play, group discussion, simulation, and Hypnosis. These techniques would allow a holistic access towards elements of attitudes from the participants, particularly altering frame of thinking through subconscious access using NLP. For training purposes, attractive audio-visual illustrations would be included and there will be an assessment from each session, providing useful solutions in achieving training purposes.
Training materials to be delivered in class are as follow:
- Cross-cultural communications.
- Organizational Communication.
- Labor Ethics and Law.
- Industrial Relations.
- Business Oriented Ethos.
- Motivational Psychology
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming with Hypnosis technique
The following are class materials to be delivered in the Affection Communications Training Plus NLP (Neuro-Lingustic Programming):
- Cross-cultural communications.
Materials included are basic concept of cross-cultural communications, the scope of cross-cultural communications and perceptions of different cultures, the urgency on learning cross-cultural communications which include resolution of conflicts from various cultural backgrounds. Learning on Why and What is cross-cultural communication; Self-Control in various cultural references; understanding cultural differences; symbols and gestures/body languages. - Organizational Communication.
Communication within the organizational context, which include basic concepts and organizational theories, effective organizational communication, organizational communication processes and the impacts of the process. Knowledge and skill in analyzing interpersonal relations and group relations within an organization would also be included. - Labor Ethics and Law.
Topics on ethics, regulations, and laws which positively related to the Labor. Materials would also include Labor rights and obligations towards their corporation and fellow labor. Penalties and punishments for employee (e.g. layoffs, etc. - Industrial Relations.
Topics on labor relations, designs of industrial relations, and the development of labor relations in Indonesia. Topics discussed will also include technical aspects related to collective bargaining, settlement of labor dispute/conflict. - Business Oriented Ethos.
Topics on Crisis Management from communication perspectives, corporate risks and crises, escalations of crises and the effects on corporation and related to the mentality of business continuity. - Motivational Psychology.
Individual psychological aspects study on how needs and drive that would trigger individual motivation. We learn how to triggering the motivations for individuals whom are not well-motivated, in order to increase work productivity which would resulted individual productivity. - Neuro-Linguistic Programming with Hypnosis technique.
An interpersonal communication model and an alternative approach of Psychotherapy based on subjective learning of language, communication, and personal transformation. The delivery method would utilize hypnosis, a subconscious condition in which individuals communicate with self, where honesty and openness is expected with powerful attachment effect.
Handal Consulting & Training
Graha Tirtadi, 5th Floor
Jalan Raden Saleh Raya No. 20, Cikini
Jakarta 10430
Phone; 021 – 398 37475, 021 – 398 37477
24 hours INFO by WA/SMS: 0812 8034 1963, 0818618581
VIII. Instructors:
Dr. Suwandi Sumartias MSos
Lebih dari 2o tahun pengalaman dalam menangani PR, bidang CSR, Manajemen krisis, hubungan industrial, humas perusahaan. Sebagai pakar komunikasi beliau sudah banyak menangani permasalahan perburuhan dan hubungan dengan perusahaan antara lain; Ketua Penelitian Pola Kebudayaan Masyarakat Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, 1990; Ketua Penelitian Pengaruh Kehadiran Antene Parabola/TV asing di Bandung, 1991 ; Ketua Penelitian Efektivitas Perwalian Dosen-Mahasiswa di Fikom Unpad, 1991: Ketua Penelitian Kegiatan Humas dan Partisipasi Mahasiswa, Fikom Unpad , 1992; Ketua Penelitian Penyelesaian Perselisihan Perburuhan di Perusahaan Swasta di Bandung, 2001; Ketua Penelitian tentang Kajian Strategi Dasar Komunikasi Pemasaran Produk IPTEK, 2003; Ketua Penelitian tentang Pemenfaatan Inkubator Teknologi Dalam Sosiologi Informasi Spasial Zona Potensi Penangkapan Ikan (ZPPI), dan lain-lain. Pengalaman Instruktur: 1999, Pelatihan tentang The Improvement of Occational Safety &Health in Small and Medium, – Sized Enterprises di Manila, Filipina, 2000; Peserta TOT Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa Tingkat Dasar Wilayah B. Undip Semarang, 2002; Peserta Seminar Media Massa dan Perubahan Sosial di Bandung, 2002; Instruktur Pelatihan Kehumasan PTP Nusantara VIII, Bandung 2004; Pembicara Workshop tentang Sosialisasi Penggunaan Peta lokasi Potensi Penangkapan Ikan dan Pemamfaatan Teknologi Tepat Guna Pada Nelayan, 2005; Pemakalah Simposium Kebudayaan Indonesia Malaysia 1X Kerja Sama Universitas Padjadjaran – Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia. 2009; Peserta ASEM Workshop on Empowering Local Community In The Use of ICT – Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and Europe Meeting. 2009 Narasumber Seminar tentang Menjalin Kerja Sama dan Koordinasi Antar Aparat Kominfo Kabupaten /Kota Se Jawa Barat ,Departemen Komunikasi dan Informasi RI. 2009; Moderator Seminar Public Relations & Musda 2009 BPC Perhumas Bandung Tentang Strategi Pencitraan Korporat Melalui Kegiatan CSR 2009; Peserta Seminar Internasional Antar Bangsa tentang The Recent of South Thailand : A Political Communications Perspective, 2009; Ketua Panitia dan Moderator pada Workshop Metode Penelitian Komunikasi/Public Relations Jurusan Ilmu Humas Fikom Unpad, 2012; Affection communications training plus NLP PT. Freeport Indonesia – Handal Consulting & Training.
Fajar Syuderajat, S.Sos., M.Psi., C.Ht
Manager Media Development and Training Division. ADS Corp. Jakarta, 2002-Present; Lecturer. Public Relations Dept. Faculty of Communications. Unpad. 2000-2002; Junior researcher. Matari Advertising. Jakarta, 1997-2000; Script writer. KoPI (Komunitas Perfilman Indonesia). Bandung. Significant Courses; 2010; TOT Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Mastery Plus NLP. Indonesian Hypnosis Board, Jakarta, 2009;Documentary Film Workshop, VSO (Volunteer overSeas Organization), South East Asia Head Office, Jakarta. 2008; Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Mastery Plus NLP. Indonesian Hypnosis Board, Jakarta, 1996; Acting Course, Sekolah Teater Bandung (STB). Bandung.