Process safety management is an analytical tool focused on preventing releases of any substance defined as a “highly hazardous chemicals”. This program refers to a set of inter-related approaches to manage hazards associated with the process industries and is intended to reduce the frequency and severity of incidents resulting from releases of chemicals and other energy sources. PSM techniques are numerous – from process screening and concept selection, through hazard identification, consequence evaluation, risk assessment, ALARP study, pre start-up action response auditing, to inspection and auditing during operation.
Handal Consulting is an Indonesia local recognized company that has been involved in many projects of PSM in oil and gas industry in Indonesia, we will work with you to customize the PSM program for your company and facility inorder to comply codes and standards. Based on your needs, we can provide any or all of the following services:
- PSM program manuals
- Provide customised written programs with plant-specific PSM system features
- Present customized hard copies and/or electronic copies of PSM programs
- Coach and train your personnel, and install PSM programs in your facility
- Assess the performance and effectiveness of an established PSM program
- Mechanical Integrity Programs