Bandung, 8 – 9 April 2019
For further information please contact:
Tel: (62) (021) 39837475
Fax: (62) (021) 398 37477
Info 24/7 SMS/WA : (+62812 80341963), (+628 186 185 81)
Reliability Centered Maintenance, often known as RCM, is a methodology to ensure that assets continue to do what their users require in their present operating context. It is generally used to achieve improvements in fields such as the establishment of safe minimum levels of maintenance, changes to operating procedures and strategies and the establishment of capital maintenance regimes and plans. Successful implementation of RCM will lead to increase in cost effectiveness, machine uptime, and a greater understanding of the level of risk that the organization is presently managing.
This methodology is originally conceived by the commercial aviation industry in the mid-1960s and call as Maintenance Steering Group (MSG), it has been widely accepted as the definitive way to identify the right maintenance by the military and industry alike. RCM optimizes reliability and maintainability thus enabling increased operational availability. RCM will optimize preventive maintenance, thus ensuring the right mix of preventive and corrective maintenance.
This RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) Training in Indonesia is designed to deliver a mix of theory and practical sessions that will provide all those involved with a strong foundation in risk management, developing effective strategies, and maximizing the performance of physical asset with comply the SAE JA1011 and the others standard.
On completion of the course, the delegate should:
• Understand the definition and concept of RCM
• Develop broad knowlege of professional roles, duties and responsibilities of RCM engineer and manager
• be able to assign appropriate maintenance activity and planning with cost effective
Engineers and managers involved in maintenance development such as; reliability engineer, maintenance engineer, reliability manager, maintenance manager, production manager, production engineer and technicians.
1. RCM Overview; History, Application and Benefits
2. Risk Assessment Methodology
3. RCM Procedure & AnalysisSelect the Equipment to Be Analyzed
– Published Equipment Selection Questions
– Criticality Factors
4. FMEA Analaysis
– Published Logic Diagrams
5. Select Maintenance Tasks
– Published Task Selection Questions
– Comparing Maintenance Strategies Based on Cost and Availability
– Run-to-Failure
– Repair/Replacement
– Service Tasks
– Failure-Finding Inspections
– On-Condition Inspections
– One-Time Tasks
6. Workshops with real work
DATES : 8 – 9 April 2019
TIME : 8.00 am – 4.00 pm
VENUE : ***** Hotel-Bandung
Next Sechedule in Year 2019: 4-5 September 2019, Jakarta
The Course Fees of RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) Training in indonesia is Rp 6.500.000,- / and NOW is Rp 5.850.000,- / delegate for two days course that including; Lunch, Course Modules, Training KIT & training certificate and 2 x Coffee Break + Snacks, and exluding VAT (PPN, PPh).
Handal Consulting & Training
Graha Tirtadi, Jalan Raden Saleh No. 20, CIKINI, Jakarta 10330
Phone: 021 – 398 37 475
Fax : 021 – 398 37 477
Layanan Informasi 24 /7 WA/SMS: Phone. 0812 8034 1963, 081 186 185 81
Ir. Alfino. Alwie M.Sc
Professional Experience: More than 25 years experience in Industry such as; 11 (Eleven) Years experience in Aircraft industry that includes; Investigation of design for improved civil aircraft maintainability, high temperature oxidation alloys and on job training at several Europe companies, such as: Airbus Industry & Rolls Royce, Britania Airways. Last 16 (Sixteen) years in Oil & Gas, petrochemical industries i.e: PETRONAS, Trans Thailand Malaysia (TTM) for Process Safety Management training and review, Santos-Indonesia Process Safety Management Internal Audit, FPSO Belanak CONOCOPHILIPS, Unocal-West Seno, SAPI-HANOVER, TOTAL PECIKO 3-4, CNOOC especially in Safety Management System Review for certification purposes, as Independent Certification Team (ICT)-MIGAS and also active to develop Risk Based Inspection, Reliability Centered Maintenance and Risk Assessment such as: KONDUR PSA, RBUI-BP-Indonesia, CNOOC, EXXONMOBIL, BP-Sub marine Pipelines, PT PUPUK KALTIM Tbk, PT. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak. Qualification: Master degree from Cranfield University, UK especially in the field of Safety, Reliability, Availability and Maintainability, as a member Safety & Reliability Society & Institution Occupational, Safety & Health UK. Course attended: Advance Reliability Analysis (Cranfield School of Engineering, U.K), Certified Managing Safely by IOSH, U.K, others
RCM In-House training PT. Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia and PT. Cirebon Power
Public Training-2018 In-House Training PT. Holcim