RBI - Public Training

30 Jan 2015

RBI Training Based on API Standards, 18-19 Jun’ 2020

RBI Training Based on API Standards

RBI Training will be conducted at Jakarta, 18 – 19 June 2020 
For further information please contact:
Tel: (62) (021) 39837475
Fax: (62) (021) 398 37477


RBI training will provide you a knowledge to conduct an inspection using risk assessment as a control management. RBI (Risk Based Inspection) is a common tool that has been using in industry for  many years.  API has been produced the codes that relating to this methodology, such as: API 580 and API 581.  API RP 580 introduces the principles and presents minimum general guidelines for developing a RBI program for fixed equipment and piping.  API RP 581 provides quantitative RBI methods to establish an inspection program. Together, these two documents comprise a widely-recognized standard for industry-accepted RBI practices. The API Risk-Based Inspection (API RBI) methodology is used to manage the overall risk of a plant by focusing inspection efforts on the process equipment with the highest risk. API RBI provides the basis for making informed decisions on inspection frequency, the extent of inspection, and the most suitable type of NDE. In most processing plants, a large percent of the total unit risk will be concentrated in a relatively small percent of the equipment items. These potential high-risk components may require greater attention, perhaps through a revised inspection plan. The cost of the increased inspection effort may sometimes be offset by reducing excessive inspection efforts in the areas identified as having lower risk.

This RBI training in Indonesia course helps candidates to understand and use Risk Based Inspection technology, develop a program, and learn which RBI procedures and working processes comply with industry standards. This valuable Risk Based Inspection Training also provides a good presentation and real works based upon API standards


Engineers and managers involved in inspection activities and development such as; reliability engineer, inspection engineer, reliability manager, corrosion engineer, production manager, production engineer and technicians.



  1. Overview of Risk-Based Inspection Principles
  2. Introduction to API RP 580
  3. Introduction to the 2nd Edition of API RP 581
  4. Risk Determination & Inspection Planning
  5. Assessing Damage Mechanisms & Probability of Failure
  6. Assessing Consequences of Failure
  7. Assessing Various Risk Determinations
  8. Identifying, Understanding and Managing Risk Drivers
  9. Risk-Based Inspection Planning
  10. Financial Risk & Cost Benefit Analysis
  11. Reassessment & Updating
  12. Understanding Sensitivities of the Risk Models


DATES : 18-19 June 2020
TIME : 8.00 am – 4.00 pm
VENUE : **** Hotel , JAKARTA (Location, Please Click)


  1.  18 – 19 June 2020, Bandung
  2.  9 – 10 September 2019, Jakarta


Course Fees:
The Risk Based Inspection training fee is Rp 5.950.000,- /delegate for two days course that including; Lunch, CARISMA-PRO Sotware (FREE for each delegate), Module, Training KIT & training certificate and 2 x Coffee Break + Snacks, and exluding VAT (PPN, PPh).



Handal Consulting & Training
Graha Tirtadi, Jalan Raden Saleh No. 20, CIKINI, Jakarta 10330
Phone: 021 – 39837475 Fax : 021 – 398477
Layanan Informasi 24 /7 WA / SMS: Phone. 0812 8034 1963, 08186 185 81


Course Instructor
Handal Team Instructor
Engineers and managers involved in inspection activities and development such as; reliability engineer, inspection engineer, reliability manager, corrosion engineer, production manager, production engineer and technicians.


RBI-InHouse Training Indonesia Power
RBI InHouse Training PT. Indonesia Power




RBI-Public Training
RBI-Public Training, 2018

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